TEA Blog


The advent of the Internet has provided great and endless opportunities for the people all over the world. One can get a college degree or even a Master's degree online, work online with wage and pay bills online. With the working professional who is always on the go, paying bills and go shopping with one click of the button does wonders, saving time and effort, giving the working professional the flexibility they need in time management.

The Internet is our doorway to the rest of the world. It is has been hounded by negative issues like identity theft which is the reason why there are still some people who are wary of providing their credit card and personal information online to pay bills or do shopping. To address this concern, a brainchild has sprouted and that is the implementation of secure .

Secure , from the words secure and means the process of doing business online with integrity and security. For an e-commerce system to be secured, it needs to fill the requirements: privacy, integrity, and non-repudiation.

Privacy for secure would mean your personal information will not be sold to third party vendors for marketing. It is handled by encryption wherein a single text message is encrypted by a public key and can only be decrypted with a private key that the recipient has.

To promote non-repudiation for purchases made online or bills made online thru secure , an auto-generated email is sent to the buyer as confirmation of the transaction with the information about the sale or sent to the client to confirm the bill payment made. This is to ensure whenever issues or complaints arise, the recipient has proof of the completed transaction and was not left in the dark.

How about the authentication process in secure ? The secure websites receiving sensitive information have digital certificates issued by a certification authority like Verisign that uniquely identifies them from others and to certify that the website is authentically run by the e-merchant, not a third party posing as the merchant.

Before encoding your credit card information to purchase online, make sure the following standards are met: digital certificate, financial and 24/7 support. This information may be simple but they prove to be very helpful in securing your information that you share online and avoiding identity theft.

Whenever you receive emails, make sure that you know the sender because if not, 99% of them are mail, so don't be fooled in clicking on the email to read it and provide personal information. Chances are you are on your way to becoming a victim of identity theft.

ARTICLE SOURCE: This factual content has not been modified from the source. This content is syndicated news that can be used for your research, and we hope that it can help your productivity. This content is strictly for educational purposes and is not made for any kind of commercial purposes of this blog.